Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Ze Status 2.0

I've just made a phone call and our passports are currently at the Mongolian Embassy and are expected to come back tomorrow. After that it's off to the Russian Embassy, where they are apparently going to take their sweet time processing our visas. Once they're done however, there is nothing left that can stop us. The car is also getting another check today and we're starting to buy equipment. In short: Things are going somewhat according to plan.

This has me worried.

We've also got another sponsor! The cool people at Avanade have agreed to pay for some of our fuel costs, which I have to say is awfully nice of them.

Things are going almost too well right now. I'll let you know when our car falls apart or the Russians call to tell us that we will never be allowed to enter their country. Ever.


Hendrik said...

Or leave it... ever...

Richard said...

Honestly, at this point I'm happy with just getting in. We'll deal with how to get out of there, when that particular problem arises.

Anonymous said...

Good luck guys, me and a mate will be the first scandinavians doing this next year. oslo-mongolia!

Richard said...

Thanks. Which team are you?

Anonymous said...

I just met a (mongolian) guy, who worked for car transport Germany to Mongolia in the 90s. Especially Wartburgs. He said, it takes three weeks without any problems.
But they drove as a convoy ('one at the top and one at the end of the line has to be very carefully') and across Russia only.

Anonymous said...

That was me.

Richard said...

Supposedly three weeks is quite doable. When we look at the maps, though, we can't quite figure out how. I guess we'll find out.